
26 February, 2023

Cin7 Omni Enhancements | 26th February, 2023

B2B Online Store

Display calculated unit price for options with multiple units of measure (e.g. single units or a 5 pack)

B2B customers can view the price for each UOM item. For example, you may sell 1 t-shirt for $10, or 5 t-shirts for $45. Customers can now see both prices, instead of just the $45 bulk price. This price will show on the product detail page, the cart, and the order confirmation email.


Download branding themes from Xero

Your Xero integration now downloads Xero branding themes.

Apply a Xero branding theme to a Cin7 Omni customer and that customer’s invoices and credit notes will have that branding theme applied in Xero. Find out how to download and apply branding themes.